Classic Negroni Cocktail

Classic Negroni Cocktail


Classic Negroni

 The classic Negroni is an iconic Italian aperitif. This Negroni cocktail recipe balances the bitterness of Campari with sweet vermouth and gin that’s served over ice with an orange peel garnish. Short rocks glasses work well for this cocktail and if you have an extra-large ice cube tray, this is the time to use it! The classic Negroni is served cold and typically stirred rather than shaken.


Prep: 5 minutes | Serving: 1 serving


1 ounce Campari
1 ounce sweet vermouth
1 ounce gin
Orange peel


  1. Fill a cocktail glass with ice (or a single extra-large cube). Pour the Campari, sweet vermouth and gin over ice and stir to combine. Squeeze a strip of orange peel to express the oils and rub the orange peel around the rim of the glass and drop it into the glass. Serve at once.

Notes: The Negroni is best served before or after dinner, not with Thanksgiving dinner. Use a small paring knife or a vegetable peeler to make an orange peel. Because the Negroni cocktail recipe is easy to master—3 ingredients in equal parts plus an orange peel—it’s a great beverage to feature at a self-service bar.


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