4 Ways to Relieve Stress at Your Desk
Stretchy pants and a proper chair can go a long way toward making you feel comfortable at your at-home desk. But, too many hours in the same place can take a toll on the body and mind. Don’t have time for a walk outside or an online yoga class? Here are four easy ways to take a breather.

1. Breathe into it
Put your hand on your belly and breathe in for five counts. Pause and gently exhale for six. With each round of breathing, mentally explore areas that seem constricted and imagine opening up that spot with your breath.
2. Do some chair yoga
Keep that spine nice and supple with a few rounds of Cat-Cow. Sit up straight with your hands on your thighs. Breathe in as you flex your back, pulling your chest through your arms and arching up your upper back as you gaze up. As you exhale, draw your belly button in as you round your back and tuck your chin to your chest. Repeat a couple times.
3. Take a listen
Put a lumbar pillow behind your back or take it to the floor with our meditation pillow set. With your eyes closed become aware of the sounds around you: a clock ticking, a cat purring or the heat kicking on. Try not to identify the sounds or make judgements about them, allowing yourself to just listen for a few minutes.
4. Doodle
Give your left brain a break and let your creative side loose by doing a continuous line drawing. Without lifting your pen or pencil, use one line to draw a coffee mug, clock or other item on your desk, looping and backtracking until you’re done.
